Digitalization and Political Behavior, LMU Munich

Led by Prof. Dr. Alexander Wuttke, the teaching unit investigates the state of liberal democracy from the perspective of ordinary citizens and it explores the challenges and opportunities afforded by digitalization. We strive for transparency, rigor, and inclusivity in our research culture. We use computational social science approaches and a broad array of methods for causal inference.


2024/10 Pre-Print on AI Conversational Interviewing DLF Interview: Citizens’ Assemblies

AI Conversational Interviewing: Transforming Surveys with LLMs as Adaptive Interviewers

Alexander Wuttke, Matthias Aßenmacher, Christopher Klamm, Max M. Lang, Quirin Würschinger, Frauke Kreuter

Traditional methods for eliciting people’s opinions face a trade-off between depth and scale: structured surveys enable large-scale data collection but limit respondents’ ability to express unanticipated thoughts in their own words, while conversational interviews provide deeper insights but are resource-intensive. This study explores the potential of replacing human interviewers with large language models (LLMs) to conduct scalable conversational interviews. Our goal is to assess the performance of AI Conversational Interviewing and to identify opportunities for improvement in a controlled environment. We conducted a small-scale, in-depth study with university students who were randomly assigned to be interviewed by either AI or human interviewers, both employing identical questionnaires on political topics. Various quantitative and qualitative measures assessed interviewer adherence to guidelines, response quality, participant engagement, and overall interview efficacy. The findings indicate the viability of AI Conversational Interviewing in producing quality data comparable to traditional methods, with the added benefit of scalability. Based on our experiences, we present specific recommendations for effective implementation.

Arxiv-Link, NotebookLM Podcast

2024/09 DLF Interview: Citizens’ Assemblies

I was interviewed for “Systemfragen” on the promises and problems of citizen assemblies.


2024/08 New Publication: A Very Short Summary of What We Know about Populist Attitudes

Written with Anne Schulz, we have published an entry in the new Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Communication.


2024/07 BR24 Mitreden: Extreme im Aufwind - Was müssen die anderen Parteien besser machen?

I participated in a live TV broadcast along with Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann and Marina Weißband on the state of democracy.


2024/06 New publication: Making the case for democracy: A field-experiment on democratic persuasion

This study with my friend Florian Foos was special. During the COVID pandemic we held townhalls on COVID politics with citizens and politicians and we participated in all of them as moderators or experts. For many citizens, this was the first time they could voice their grievances, fears and hopes in a public forum. So, being part of this project, was quite different from our typical office jobs. Also, we learned important insights on how to foster democracy’s societal foundations, see below.


Ordinary citizens can serve as a critical defence against democratic backsliding. But beneath the surface, citizens’ commitment to democracy is sometimes fragile, with crises exacerbating existing anxieties. We introduce ‘democratic persuasion’ as an actionable intervention to foster the resilience of citizens’ commitment to liberal democracy. ‘Democratic persuasion’ seizes the opportunity of communicating with wavering democrats. ‘Democratic persuasion’ entails actively making the case for democracy and discussing democracy’s inherent trade-offs while engaging existing doubts and misperceptions. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, which stirred frustrations with democracy and highlighted democratic trade-offs, we invited citizens via Facebook to participate in one of sixteen Zoom town halls to engage in discussions on pandemic politics with members of German state and federal parliaments. Each representative hosted two town halls, with random assignment to a condition of ‘democratic persuasion’ in one of the two town hall meetings. The field experiment yielded mixed results, demonstrating significant effects on some indicators of democratic commitment but not on others. This study contributes to the nascent body of research aimed at reinforcing the societal pillars of liberal democracies.

Replication material, Pre-registration, Pre-Print, Study.

2024/04 New team members

Dr. Nadine Zwiener-Collins has joined the team as a Postdoctoral researcher. She studies public opinion and political behavior. Next to teaching at GSI, she contributes to the study that evaluates Registered Reports at JOP.

Valeriya Barakhvostova joins as a Research assistant. She will support an ongoing study that implements and tests AI Interviewers, i.e. using Large Language Models for In-Depth Interviewing.

2024/03 DLF-Interview on Survey Methodology

Can we trust surveys? Are representative polls possible?

Feature in DLF-Systemfragen with soundbites by Rainer Schnell, Werner Krause and myself in German.


2024/03 SZ-Interview on Democracy

German Newspaper Süddeutsche (Katharina Haase) talked with me about democracy and the ongoing protest against the Alternative für Deutschland.

2024/01 Opinion piece in “Forschung&Lehre” (german)

Forschung & Lehre published a collection of opinion pieces on “Teaching Today” where I shared my thoughts on artificial intelligence in teaching.

2023/12 Open Postdoc Teaching position (50%, 1 Year) [position filled]

There is an open position for a Postdoc at our Teaching Unit for Digitalization and Political Behavior. The position is part-time, starting April 1st for two semesters. It is for teaching one course each semester. The position can be combined with an existing position at LMU (up to 50%) or another university (up to 70%).

Applications are encouraged as early as possible.

Find more information here.

2023/12 FAZ newspaper covers study on populist attitudes
Boris Holzer published a summary of our Registered Report study (Nils Steiner, Christian Schimpf, Alexander Wuttke) in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, titled “Der Aufstand der Abgehängten: Warum ist die Wählerschaft populistischer Parteien so divers?”
2023/12 Slides on AI in teaching
I published some slides (German)
2023/11 R Web course

New Resource to Learn R for Social Science the gentle, fun, and accessible way - no hassle to install R(Studio). Dive right in - individualized feedback - code on your own, within the web browser - plotting, data wrangling and analysis

Made by Philipp Schröder, Laura Kiemes and Alexander Wuttke. Made possible by funding from LMU and Geschwister Scholl Institute.

Link to R Web Course

2023/11 AI Symposium

The state of Bavaria established a large number of AI professorships in the past years. Today, 10 newly appointed LMU AI and Data Science professors presented their research.

AI Symposium